Friday, December 01, 2006

YWDP Episode 26: Half A year !!!

Episode 26 !?! Damn... That's half a year !!!

Awsome show for the weekend. First of all i'de like to welcome our new listeners to the show. I was finaly featured in the Itunes store under the new podcast, whish got me some new listeners. I'm also having fun with the phone again... please, stop me someone !!!!

New tracks are coming in. All some great stuff... can't wait to share these with you guys.

Show's blogger page
YWDP's RSS Feed (podshow)

Here are some links to some other cool podcasts you got to have a listen to. They are part of my favorite podcasts.

ExtraTranceCast, TranceNdance, Bandtrax, Pizzababe Goes Global, Digivegas Indie Podcast, Alaska Podshow, Derek thebandits sound republic anthem of the week, Geekfit, Podchick, Hitsuzen Radio

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