Thursday, January 18, 2007

YWDP Episode 31:The Virus Attack

You can download the show here
or you can play it by clicking with one of these
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You can listen but do not touch this MP3 file with your bare hands. Everybody at Yuzzy's place has caught a virus (biological) and is sick. So you can imagine how hard it was to get a show online in these conditions... The kids are contagious and cannot go to kiddengarden and i (myself) have some gastric problems of my own... But that didn't stop me from having a show for this weekend... Here is my playlist:

Show's blogger page
YWDP's RSS Feed (podshow)

Here are some links to some other cool podcasts you got to have a listen to. They are part of my favorite podcasts.

ExtraTranceCast, TranceNdance, Bandtrax, Pizzababe Goes Global, Digivegas Indie Podcast, Alaska Podshow, Derek thebandits sound republic anthem of the week, Geekfit, Podchick, Hitsuzen Radio

The best trance, dance and house music podcast on the internet is here...

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