Friday, May 11, 2007

Show 47 will be delay.

I have no choice than to delay show 47 as I'm having some visitors at home and can't find the required time to record the show. So this will probably leads us to next week only unless I can find a two hour window slot sometime in the weekend. But expect an awesome, kickass, fantastik show. I have the playlist all prepared and there are some freakin' good tracks in there.

Teaser: New remix from Adraw and some solid shit fro m RizlaKiller... Be there!!!!

Meanwhile, check out the first episode of The Scamtoons, my short video podcast, and tell me what you think...


Unknown said...

Hi Yuzzy. I hope everything is fine. Love your show, and dont want it to be down. COuld i help you somehow?
(I know. Some time crisis). What would you think if i help you with the forum. As i see it now. It is full of mist. Could tidy it up a little. (Just a proposal). I want your show alive. It means too much for me to become dead. :D
Yuzzys show is a legend to arise. Yuzzy, just let me know.

Yuzzy said...

It,s funny that you come up with this today. I just had, a few hours ago, a new schedule proposal that could just be what I needed to be as solid and as regular than before. Let's just cross our fingers that this offer will stand... ;)

For the help proposal, I can surely make you my honnorable master for the forum. But really, my efforts go to making thne show. So keep that awesome music coming this way and I'll feel more than happy.

By the way.: I'm pretty positive that there will be a show this weekend. And it kick some damn good freakin' ass !!!


Unknown said...

Its pretty cool the schedule is back to normal. Know what it means to have lack of time and really want to do something you like.
This is superb. I think , we all await this kick ass show.

Anonymous said...

Hey Yuzzy, Adraw:
I just wanted to let you know that i`m back on net, and wait for new hot stuff coming up.
Yuzzy, don`t let this show die. I`ll help with the radio station, they gona play it and they gona love it. I even my go to, they located in NY.
Ok, see you thursday, right?:)