Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Things are almost back to normal

Remember last episode? I was crying about a change into my work schedule. This situation could have put the show in jeopardy. In fact, I couldn't see any solution. There just couldn't be any shows if the schedule was kept that way...

Well guess what!!! I was so pissed-off about this that my boss decided to tweak the schedule again in order for me to have.. A LIFE...

I think we were able to get half way. So if anything goes as planned, I should be able to deliver a show (at least bi-weekly). Personaly, I think that someone up there (way higher than the office) received my complaints... Thanks you god!


Unknown said...

Hi yuzzy. That would be seriously bad not to have you on the scene. You deserverd your own life and no work should oppose that. It was good to hear that things went better.

Yuzzy said...

Yes sirr... Lets just hope it can be kept this way. I have all sort of new things coming for the show as well as (maybe) some more solid grounds on whish I could push the show fuirther...